By The Renewing of Your Mind

It's a real thing

I’ve been a Christian for 20 years (in Evangelical terms). I was born into a Catholic family, but that didn’t really stick with me. I made a very real commitment to follow Jesus in my early 30’s and it changed my life in many ways! I didn’t actually realize until sometime last year just how much He (Jesus) intended to change me over the next 20 years (or 30 or 60). He has made that abundantly clear to me in the last 6 months. His call is to ‘drop everything and follow me’. I certainly have fallen far short of that directive.

For the last 20 years, I was thinking that ‘the renewing of my mind’ (Romans 12) was a one-time thing like some kind of eternal car wash that never needs additional cycles 🙂 In fact, I would say that most of Christianity in the western world thinks of accepting the invitation of Christ as a bit of a get-out-of-hell-free card type of scenario. You say some key words and phrases and you are good!

But, God has shown me that there is MUCH nore to our adventure together right here on Earth with however many more years He leaves me here. (my goal is to live to be 125 but that’s a different post altogether).

I’ve got a LOT to say on the subject so I decided to launch a separate newsletter here specifically to speak on matters of faith and the deep spiritual formation that I now understand is the true path to being remade in the image of Christ before he takes me home.

Hit reply and tell me where you are in your journey.