It's not a 4 letter word

If you happen to know the back story of WKFL, it might have a very negative connotation. But those letters always stood for wonderful things: Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith & Love. Some misguided people put those letters together back in the 1940s and twisted them into something that strayed far away from the one true God.

For decades afterward, LOTS of people associated the letters WKFL with evil. They were wrong to do that because the bad behavior of other people will never change the truth - and the truth is that wisdom, knowledge, faith & love all rise above that noise. Don’t judge God by what humans do. He is unaffected.

Humans WILL fail. We fail in 1000 small ways all the time. Some humans fail in massive and terrible ways. None of that changes who God is. Actually, it all should just highlight God’s amazing goodness for us in contrast. Somehow we all seem to conflate these things and judge God based on what people do.

This Sunday I pray that you will have W, K, F & L in abundance.